Employees attending SolarEdge hackathon

SolarEdge Hackathons: We also invest in developing innovation and team-building skills, specifically for our employees in R&D and other technology functions. Our annual hackathon in SolarEdge Israel inspires our teams to explore new product and service ideas that will help us achieve our purpose of powering the future of energy. The Hackathon planned for late 2023 was postponed due to special circumstances, but we aim to renew this annual event in 2024. Approximately 330 employees in technology roles competed in the last held 2022 Hackathon, supported by 20 mentors from our senior leadership, generating new innovations.

Upskilling courses and activities: We conducted Hebrew language courses in 2023 for manufacturing and cleaning personnel who recently migrated to Israel, in an effort to ease their integration within the Company and local society. Several Herzliya-based cleaning and maintenance staff participated in a Company-run computer skills courses, to develop their skills for the modern job market.

Partnerships with educational institutions: We maintain a collaboration with Tel Aviv University’s (TAU) Faculty of Engineering whereby our R&D employees are invited to take academic courses on a wide range of topics, allowing them to expand their knowledge in professional areas that complement their professional responsibilities. Courses taken by our employees at TAU include topics such as advanced electronics, advanced programing methods, machine learning and others.

“Power Up Your Skills” E-learning program: Following a successful 2022 pilot, our “Power Up Your Skills” program was launched in 2023. Our global employees are encouraged to take on-line courses on one of the designated E-learning platforms, available in several languages. Each employee is entitled to take two online, self-paced courses per year from an extensive portfolio of professional/tech learning or soft skill courses. To date, our employees have enrolled in over 500 various personal courses through the program.

New LMS system for mandatory training: Our global learning management system (LMS) includes mandatory annual on-line training on Safety, Ethics, Information Security and Procurement Procedures, with the system usages planned to continue expanding in upcoming years.

Management and Leadership Training Programs: Throughout 2023, we continued to expand several development and training programs to meet the needs and support the growth of our managers:

An Executive Leadership Development Program tailored to the needs of our executive leadership

A Development Course for our Global Directors (senior managers, such as department leaders). The course included, among else, sessions with company executives, sharing their personal experience and leadership best practices.

An Advanced Management Course for group managers focusing on how to lead 1st level managers within their teams. This program focuses on stepping up to effectively manage managers.

1st level managers courses undertaken locally in different regions and focusing on management and leadership skills, effective task delegation, how to motivate and provide feedback to employees, diversity and inclusion in day-to-day management, and additional skills.

A Coaching/Mentoring Program for Managers aimed at enhancing their management capabilities. The target SolarEdge managers were provided with a focused process including one-on-one sessions with external consultants as well as former executives from various global businesses

An Internal Mentoring Program aimed to strengthen an internal pool of effective SolarEdge mentors. The program focused on training senior leaders to serve as mentors for managers at different levels, to help them evolve, develop and increase knowledge sharing and networking.

Topic-specific courses and workshops for all managers covering areas such as remote management, interview skills, effective goal setting and meaningful feedback.

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Several new training and development programs were launched at SolarEdge throughout 2023, and some existing programs were expanded. Following are some primary examples:

Soft skills 15%

Professional job-specific training 46%

Ethics, Anti-harassment, & Cybersecurity training 3%

Management training 7%

Safety 25%

Talent training program 2%

Diversity 1%

Distribution of 84K total training hours, in 2023

combined hours,


In 2023, SolarEdge employees trained for more than

equivalent to an average of 14.9 training hours per employee, per year.

Of the total training hours undertaken by SolarEdge employees in 2023, 46% covered professional job-specific skills, and 25% included different forms of safety training (see further details in the ‘Health and Safety’ section). The full distribution of training time by categories is illustrated below.

SolarEdge employees

Language & Communication Skills

Presentation Skills

Time & Project Management



English Skills

Icons showing examples of soft skills training
SolarEdge employees participating in Power Your Edge talent program

“Power Your Edge” talent development program: In 2023, we launched a new program for employees and managers who were identified with high potential. The “Power Your Edge” program was built to help these talents develop on personal, managerial and organizational levels. Each one of the over 100 program participants built a personal development plan for 2023-2024, including tailored learning activities, personal mentoring, shadowing organizational leaders, working with other departments on ad-hoc tasks, and special assignments or projects. The program also includes group sessions, focusing on deep familiarity with various SolarEdge departments and regions, its business direction and focus areas.

Employee Development Soft Skills Plan: This program aims to provide quality training to help enhance individual and organizational productivity and growth by focusing on a core set of skills relevant to all employees. The plan included both on-line learning offered for all global employees and frontal regional courses and workshops. Some of the main topics addressed in 2023 appear in the following illustration.

We aim to provide our employees with advanced professional development skills so that they can perform effectively in their roles, develop their skills and capabilities, and define future career goals.

As part of our extensive investment in training, we provide annual leadership and development programs for various management levels (see below) to sharpen their capabilities to lead in the changing environment.  We also offer advanced professional training for sales, R&D and other professional teams. These programs are defined each year in line with identified training needs and delivered to different populations as required. We also partner with local educational resource providers to offer formal learning programs on a variety of subjects.

Training & Development

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Employees attending SolarEdge hackathon

SolarEdge Hackathons: We also invest in developing innovation and team-building skills, specifically for our employees in R&D and other technology functions. Our annual hackathon in SolarEdge Israel inspires our teams to explore new product and service ideas that will help us achieve our purpose of powering the future of energy. The Hackathon planned for late 2023 was postponed due to special circumstances, but we aim to renew this annual event in 2024. Approximately 330 employees in technology roles competed in the last held 2022 Hackathon, supported by 20 mentors from our senior leadership, generating new innovations.

Upskilling courses and activities: We conducted Hebrew language courses in 2023 for manufacturing and cleaning personnel who recently migrated to Israel, in an effort to ease their integration within the company and local society. Several Herzliya-based cleaning and maintenance staff participated in a company-run computer skills courses, to develop their skills for the modern job market.

Partnerships with educational institutions: We maintain a collaboration with Tel Aviv University’s (TAU) Faculty of Engineering whereby our R&D employees are invited to take academic courses on a wide range of topics, allowing them to expand their knowledge in professional areas that complement their professional responsibilities. Courses taken by our employees at TAU include topics such as advanced electronics, advanced programing methods, machine learning and others.

“Power Your Edge” talent development program: In 2023, we launched a new program for employees and managers who were identified with high potential. The “Power Your Edge” program was built to help these talents develop on personal, managerial and organizational levels. Each one of the over 100 program participants built a personal development plan for 2023-2024, including tailored learning activities, personal mentoring, shadowing organizational leaders, working with other departments on ad-hoc tasks, and special assignments or projects. The program also includes group sessions, focusing on deep familiarity with various SolarEdge departments and regions, its business direction and focus areas.

“Power Up Your Skills” E-learning program: Following a successful 2022 pilot, our “Power Up Your Skills” program was launched in 2023. Our global employees are encouraged to take on-line courses on one of the designated E-learning platforms, available in several languages. Each employee is entitled to take two online, self-paced courses per year from an extensive portfolio of professional/tech learning or soft skill courses. To date, our employees have enrolled in over 500 various personal courses through the program.

New LMS system for mandatory training: Our global learning management system (LMS) includes mandatory annual on-line training on Safety, Ethics, Information Security and Procurement Procedures, with the system usages planned to continue expanding in upcoming years.

Language & Communication Skills

Presentation Skills

Time & Project Management



English Skills

Icons showing examples of soft skills training

Employee Development Soft Skills Plan: This program aims to provide quality training to help enhance individual and organizational productivity and growth by focusing on a core set of skills relevant to all employees. The plan included both on-line learning offered for all global employees and frontal regional courses and workshops. Some of the main topics addressed in 2023 appear in the following illustration.

Management and Leadership Training Programs: Throughout 2023, we continued to expand several development and training programs to meet the needs and support the growth of our managers:

An Executive Leadership Development Program tailored to the needs of our executive leadership

A Development Course for our Global Directors (senior managers, such as department leaders). The course included, among else, sessions with company executives, sharing their personal experience and leadership best practices.

An Advanced Management Course for group managers focusing on how to lead 1st level managers within their teams. This program focuses on stepping up to effectively manage managers.

1st level managers courses undertaken locally in different regions and focusing on management and leadership skills, effective task delegation, how to motivate and provide feedback to employees, diversity and inclusion in day-to-day management, and additional skills.

A Coaching/Mentoring Program for Managers aimed at enhancing their management capabilities. The target SolarEdge managers were provided with a focused process including one-on-one sessions with external consultants as well as former executives from various global businesses

An Internal Mentoring Program aimed to strengthen an internal pool of effective SolarEdge mentors. The program focused on training senior leaders to serve as mentors for managers at different levels, to help them evolve, develop and increase knowledge sharing and networking.

Topic-specific courses and workshops for all managers covering areas such as remote management, interview skills, effective goal setting and meaningful feedback.

Several new training and development programs were launched at SolarEdge throughout 2023, and some existing programs were expanded. Following are some primary examples:

combined hours,


In 2023, SolarEdge employees trained for more than

equivalent to an average of 14.9 training hours per employee, per year.

Of the total training hours undertaken by SolarEdge employees in 2023, 46% covered professional job-specific skills, and 25% included different forms of safety training (see further details in the ‘Health and Safety’ section). The full distribution of training time by categories is illustrated below.

We aim to provide our employees with advanced professional development skills so that they can perform effectively in their roles, develop their skills and capabilities, and define future career goals.

As part of our extensive investment in training, we provide annual leadership and development programs for various management levels (see below) to sharpen their capabilities to lead in the changing environment.  We also offer advanced professional training for sales, R&D and other professional teams. These programs are defined each year in line with identified training needs and delivered to different populations as required. We also partner with local educational resource providers to offer formal learning programs on a variety of subjects.

SolarEdge employees

Training & Development

Sustainability Report 2023 /